Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

Day6 ESL S/L -- Rosefinch

Homework feedback:

ZhangqiaoyiJoy: Joyce

I agree that music education is important. I think that l learning to play musical instruments can not only enhance our personal abilities in our daily life, life but also make our lives more diverse and colorful.What’s colorful. What’s more, according to research, it is said that learning to play musical instruments can also improve cognitive abilities and make the brain more active.

wesley529: wesley529: Wesley

Music is an a very uesful useful part in of our life.

I think that playing music is a good way to relax myself and also for others to enjoy it. So I very much like to listen to music. I think music education is important. It’s a very useful part of our daily life. And I can say that listening to music is an activity. I am even trying to play the guitar now! It’s important, isn’t it?

camilia1123: Cmilia ¶ I belive Camilia

I believe that learn a kind of musical instruments is nessesary. In the on hand learning a musical instrument is necessary. On one hand, it can show your talent and have help you better understanding of the things understand the world around you. In On the other hand hand, it’s a good way to relax also can leave and can help alleviate your stress out. stress. In fact fact, music is an improtant important part in of our daily life. It can be a way to have socialty socialize with the others. Also to join Joining some of the club can clubs can help improve yourself.

Podewei: Revision1.1.0:

I prefer to play music. Because I think learning to play music can improve yourself and can help you to strengthen your friendship. friendships. And it can give us some good education. Every time I play music music, I feel really excited and gratifying. gratified. Also, this can make it easier for you to express yourself at events.

eric2381: Eric

I think we need to learn an instrument. We can learn the stories of musicians by learning an instrument. ¶ And learning Learning music can give us a nice experience, and I think learning an instrument can be a great hobby, and having hobby. Having a hobby is good for later learning, such as in the same, having a hobby can better find college. Also, we can share our emotions with the instrument.

coolMike666: Mike

I think music education is essential because it’s a good way to relax ourselves and release pressure. As for me, every time I feel bad, I will listen to some music. Then, I become better. Even some crazy people with severe mental health issues can be treat treated by it. Also, it’s a good beautiful art form. We can get the colorful picture from it. Many upscale restaurants also use music to increase it’s its beauty.

Tom-Liu-SuxydsCaptain: Tom

Musical education not only helps detending the stress of modern life, but also enriches our lives with artistic expression. By learning music, we can gain a deeper understanding of its history and development, allowing us to appreciate it more fully. Moreover, musical Musical education imporve not only helps defend against the stress of modern life, but also enriches our lives with artistic expression. By learning music, we can gain a deeper understanding of its history and development, allowing us to appreciate it more fully. Moreover, musical education improves comprehension and emotional growth, leading to improved health and better empathy towards others. Therefore, put music into our educational system can provide benefits that extend beyond the and emotional growth, leading to improved health and better empathy towards others. Therefore, integrating music into our educational system can provide benefits that extend beyond the classroom.

Martin1111m: Martin

I think music education is very important. Music is an indispensable part of our life. Music can make people relax in tense situations, we can hear music in many places. If you can play some musical instruments, you can impress others. So it’s important.

august0930: August

I think it’s necessary to learn to play play musical instruments. There’re 2 reasons to support my opinion. First, playing music is a way to express one’s feelings, like many famous pianist, pianists, when they feel bad, the they prefer play to play the piano to make themselves become energetic. Second, learning to play musical instruments can improve your artistic skills, such as feeling the same way as the producer composer of a song.

JoeChenliverpool: Joe

I strongly agree that learning a musical instrument is of great importance. It not only helps us cultivate patience in our daily lives but also enhances our mental faculties. Mastering an instrument provides us with an additional avenue and numerous advantages for university admission. For example, when I was young. young, I chose the piano.Playing piano. Playing it helps has helped me a lot. Improve lot, it improved my patience.


I agree that learning to play a musical instrument is significant because it can help release our pressure. We have a lot of work everyday every day and we feel tired after hard work. Research shows that playing a musical instrument can relax us efficiently. What is more, we can develop in an all-round way through learning to play an instrument. Only study studying major subjects can not cannot cultivate true truly talented person. individuals.

Zao6666: Zao

I believe it’s essential for a person’s education to learn to play a musical instrument. Music education can not only release pressure but also can stimulates stimulate creativity. What’s more more, learning to play a musical instrument promotes brain development, concentration concentration, and memory, and if you can play musical instruments, then when you play with other people, you can also play musical instruments for your friends. All in all, learn learning to play musical instruments have has many advantages.

jinchengyou: Kevin

I think it’s essential to learn to play a musical instrument. First, I think it can develop your knowledge and taste of art.Second, art. Second, I think playing a musical instrument is a good way to relax ourselves when we feel stressed, nervous or down. Music can influence ouremotions. our emotions. We’ll be happy and relaxed if we listen to music. Although different people have different opinion opinions about music. But I think it’s really importent important for everyone.

Richard6666666: Richard

I agree with the view that music education is important. Because listening to good music could improve our taste of the for beautiful things in life. And it also influence on influences our emotions. For example, when we are down, listening to a sad song may make us feel better. So it is a good way to deal with our different emotions, too. Besides, classic classical music could tell a local story or even a country’s culture, so we can also know the world by learning from music.


7th August Rosefinch 
Agendas 课堂内容: 

# Listening practice 10

# Homework checking 20
## 题目理解
## 语法
## 长度
## 结构
### 捍卫你的观点
#### 证据/。     观点 VS 事实

I think music education is essential because it’s a good way to relax ourselves and release pressures. pressure. If there isn’t wasn’t any music in the world, our mind may be hurt by the big large amount of stress. Also, it can be a good hobby. If you love music, it’s a good dream for you to achieve it. It’s cool.

## 口语,不是写作


# Theme 主题: 30
## Task1 到底考察考生什么能力?
### 语言组织
### 流畅表达
### 分析
### 45秒
继续改写 TPO12 Task1


1. 继续改写 TPO12 Task1,尽量 8:30 PM 之前给我
2. 熟记 TPO56 Task2 听力生词,周三 quiz

