Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

App Lab Scoring guideline

Rubric 评分标准(Total: 100 points)

Category Extensive Evidence Convincing Evidence Limited Evidence No Evidence
类别 充分证据 令人信服的证据 有限的证据 没有证据
Creativity (20 points) 创造力(20分) The app demonstrates a high level of creativity and originality. 应用程序展现出高度的创造力和原创性。 The app demonstrates a good level of creativity and originality. 应用程序展现出良好的创造力和原创性。 The app demonstrates some creativity and originality. 应用程序展现出一定的创造力和原创性。 The app demonstrates little to no creativity or originality. 应用程序几乎没有创造力或原创性。
UI Design (20 points) 用户界面设计(20分) The UI is intuitive, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing. 用户界面直观、用户友好且美观。 The UI is mostly intuitive and user-friendly with minor aesthetic issues. 用户界面大部分直观且用户友好,但存在轻微美观问题。 The UI is somewhat intuitive but has significant usability or aesthetic issues. 用户界面在某种程度上直观,但存在显著的可用性或美观问题。 The UI is not intuitive or user-friendly. 用户界面不直观或不用户友好。
Processing: Conditional Logic and Logical Operators (20 points) 处理:条件逻辑和逻辑运算符(20分) The code effectively uses logical operators (&&, ||, etc.) and if-else statements to handle all possible input scenarios. 代码有效地使用逻辑运算符(&&||等)和if-else语句处理所有可能的输入场景。 The code effectively uses logical operators and if-else statements to handle most but not all input scenarios. 代码有效地使用逻辑运算符和if-else语句处理大部分但不是所有的输入场景。 The code uses logical operators and if-else statements to handle some input scenarios but not comprehensively. 代码使用逻辑运算符和if-else语句处理部分输入场景,但不全面。 The code does not effectively use logical operators or if-else statements to handle input scenarios. 代码未能有效使用逻辑运算符或if-else语句处理输入场景。
Code runs without errors (20 points) 代码无错误运行(20分) No errors are present in the required code. 必需的代码中没有错误。 One or two errors are present in the required code. 必需的代码中存在一到两个错误。 Three or four errors are present in the required code. 必需的代码中存在三到四个错误。 More than four errors are present in the required code. 必需的代码中存在四个以上错误。
Input (5 points) 输入(5分) onEvents are created for all the required inputs. 为所有必需的输入创建了 onEvents onEvents are created for most of the inputs. 为大部分输入创建了 onEvents onEvents are created for some of the inputs. 为部分输入创建了 onEvents onEvents are not created for any inputs. 未为任何输入创建 onEvents
Code: Output (5 points) 代码:输出(5分) The screen correctly displays all required information. 屏幕正确显示所有必需的信息。 The screen displays most but not all required information correctly. 屏幕正确显示大部分但不是所有必需的信息。 The screen displays some required information correctly. 屏幕正确显示部分必需的信息。 The screen does not correctly display any required information. 屏幕未正确显示任何必需的信息。
Storage: Variables (5 points) 存储:变量(5分) Variables are created and appropriately used for all pieces of information used in the app. 为应用程序中使用的所有信息创建并适当使用了变量。 Most information is stored in a variable and appropriately updated throughout the app. 大部分信息存储在变量中,并在整个应用程序中适当更新。 Some information is stored in a variable and appropriately updated throughout the app. 部分信息存储在变量中,并在整个应用程序中适当更新。 There are no variables which store the necessary information for the app to work correctly. 没有变量存储应用程序正常工作所需的信息。
Coding Comments (5 points) 代码注释(5分) Comments are used to correctly explain the purpose and function of all onEvents and conditional logic. 使用注释正确解释了所有onEvents和条件逻辑的目的和功能。 Comments are used to explain the purpose and function of most onEvents and conditional logic. 使用注释解释了大部分onEvents和条件逻辑的目的和功能。 Comments are used to explain the purpose and function of some onEvents and conditional logic. 使用注释解释了部分onEvents和条件逻辑的目的和功能。 Comments are not present. 无注释。