Mr.Mou @ ShiShi AP Center

TPO59 L4 European Economy History

TPO59 L4 European Economy History

# TPO59 L4 中世纪欧洲城镇经济活动及行会发展讲座

## 讲座主要思想
- 探讨中世纪欧洲城镇经济活动的发展
- 重点讲述行会(guilds)的作用和影响
- 商人行会和手工艺行会对城市经济发展和贸易扩张的贡献

## 主要观点和例子
1. **行会增加消费者信心**
   - 标准化权重和度量单位
   - 规范产品制作方式和质量
   - 例子:面包师制作的面包大小一致
2. **行会对成员有利**
   - 规定价格和工作时间
   - 不允许来自其他城镇的工匠或商人销售商品
   - 保护行会成员免受外部竞争的影响
3. **行会加入过程**
   - 学徒(apprentice)
   - 熟练工(journeyman)
   - 大师(master)
   - 例子:约7年的培训,凭借作品(masterpiece)获得行会成员认可
4. **女性在行会中的作用**
   - 与丈夫一起工作
   - 非正式的大师
   - 从事与丈夫工作相关的业务
   - 例子:面包师的妻子可能经营旅馆
   - 寡妇接管丈夫的职业并成为行会成员

## 行会的影响
- 17世纪大多数行会解散
- 现代劳工联盟和某些行业的学徒制度中仍有行会的影响

Screen Shot 2023-04-07 at 2 05 59 PM-min


Question Answer Related Sentences from the Lecture
1. What aspect of the Middle Ages is the lecture mainly about? Guilds in the Middle Ages “Now, we’ve said that during the second half of the middle ages… and these groups were called guilds.”
2. According to the professor, what was one of the benefits that guilds provided? Standardization of weights and measures, production quality, and regulation of prices and work hours “they standardized weights and measures… they also standardized the way things were made, the quality of production. Guilds were also beneficial to their members because they regulated prices and work hours.”
3. The professor describes the process by which someone in the Middle Ages became a master of a trade. Put the steps in the correct order. Contracting with a master as an apprentice, becoming a journeyman, completing a masterpiece, and paying membership fees “First, parents contracted with a master craftsperson to take on their son as an apprentice… once the journeyman was ready to become a master, members of the guild would test the person’s skills by assigning a task called a masterpiece. Now, if the guild members approved the masterpiece, the journeyman was admitted into the guilt and paid the membership fee. he was then considered a master, and he could open up his own shop.”
4. What does the professor imply about women guild members? Women were also members of guilds, often worked with their husbands or involved in related businesses. Some of them were considered unofficial masters of the craft. “good question. now, most people don’t realize this, but women were also members of guilds… women did play a role in guilds. so even though the term is journeyman, some of the journeymen were actually women.”

Students’ work:

 - Amber

Amber gulids-min

 - Laura 

Laura2 gulids-min

 - Olivia 

Olivia European economic history-min

 - Yvonne


 - Theo
